Staff member of the Education Department
Studied European Studies and European History in Chemnitz and Toruń (PL), M.A. 2007,
2007-2009 staff member at the Kreisau Foundation for European Understanding (PL),
Since 2010, educator at the Buchenwald Memorial,
2014 educational work at schools in USA. Main focus: Poland and Eastern Europe.
– 12.11.1989 Short History of the Reconciliation Mass in Kreisau, Krzyżowa 2009.
– Krzyżowa/ Kreisau: A Guide to History and the Present, Krzyżowa 2009.
– Concentration camp memorials as places of learning, in: info – Magazin des Deutsch-Polnischen Jugendwerkes, 2019. p.12-13.
Projects of recent years:
– Nazi Forced Labour in Occupied Poland 1939-1945 – A Search for Traces with Students in Contemporary Warsaw, 2013.
– „Euthanasia“ in the German Reich and in occupied Poland – An exhibition project by young people from Weimar and Krakow about discrimination, persecution and extermination of people with disabilities under National Socialism, 2016.
– Multi-day, international exchange-projects of young people and adults with focus on Poland, Germany and Eastern Europe.