Based in county Elbe-Elster, South-western part Brandenburg, Germany. Studied history and history of art at the Universities of Halle-Wittenberg and Edinburgh, holds a M.A. from Halle University. Following this, trained as a journalist and worked many years as a freelancer for museums and in marketing. Started working full time as a research assistant for the newly founded Museum Association of the county Elbe-Elster in 2015. In 2017 took over as its director and is now in charge of the management and development of four museums, among them Mitteldeutsches Marionettentheatermuseum Bad Liebenwerda (Museum of Central German Marionette Puppetry), Museum Schloss Doberlug (Museum Castle Doberlug), Sänger- und Kaufmannsmuseum Finsterwalde (Singers’ and merchants’ museum), and Museum Mühlberg 1547. Was motivated to join the German Polish Museum Dialogue by an ongoing exhibition project that will present objects from Castle Schlobitten, former East Prussia, in castle Doberlug. Married with two grown-up children, podcast junkie, voracious reader, reluctant gardener, and cooking enthusiast.