After more than 20 years of work in education and museums, Murawski has become an outspoken advocate for transformative, human-centered change in museums, nonprofits, and beyond. He is a consultant, change leader, and the author of the book Museums as Agents of Change: A Guide to Becoming a Changemaker. Murawski currently serves as Operations Director for Explore Washington Park in Portland, Oregon, and is also the co-founder of Art Nature Place, a business that provides design and consulting services focused around place-based learning, building connections with nature, and expanding access to the outdoors. He previously served as the Director of Learning & Community Partnerships for the Portland Art Museum, Coordinator of Education and Public Programs at the Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum, and Director of School Services at the Saint Louis Art Museum. He earned his MA and PhD in Education from American University in Washington, DC.
Mike Murawski ist Referent der Session Blick nach vorn: Das demokratische Museum der Zukunft am Montag, 5. Mai, 11.45 Uhr.